Friday 27 May 2016

Research Log

Monday 25 April 2016


Plot Summary:

Whilst the plot was simple as a whole, it did have subtle details which complemented the raw action. Setting the film in a post-apocalyptic world is probably the first major selling point, as many people do get excited when zombies or other forms of a human are involved. Perhaps as the plot follows the route of empowering women and allowing them to break free as a possession was one of the biggest selling points. The majority of an audience will always be able to connect with women and side with them as they are filled with courage and internal strength. 

sound mix- The control of audio volumes and tones and manipulation of them from the microphones to obtain the desired pitch and tone of the dialogue or music. 
negative format- Is a set of standard characteristics including, image capture, size, shape & audio parameters. 
cinematographic process- the process of film capture, and the cameras visuals as well as any special effects. 

This was George Millers biggest budget for a film, so the quality of equipment was only the best, he would have need a lot of it as well considering all of the different shots during the action car chase scenes. It does show through the film when watching the film its easy to see that they spent a lot of money on the film to make each shot perfect, and when you have an action packed film which is very fast, the shots have to be really smooth which is shown. It is a major selling point, better equipment ussually allows people to do more with their idea, and with high expectations for this film, its easy to see that it delievered on the equpiment front.  


Director-  George Miller, whilst George Miller has directed and wrote the entire Mad Max series he has also directed, 'happy feet 1 & 2' also 'babe: pig in the city'
Writer- George Miller
George Miller of course is most known for the whole creation of the Mad Max series and the idea, which may be the main selling point to this film. As people want to see he series continue and want to see how well this film could do considering this was George Millers biggest budget.

cinematographer- john seale has been the cinematographer for these films as well as Mad max: 'the tourist'  'Prince of persia'  'the talented Mr Ripley' these films were very popular and john has done other films. Of course the majority of the audience wouldn't pay attention to the cinematographer of a film but for the more 'geeky' people that have a lot of interest in to the industry they would know who john seale was and go watch the film.

music composer- Tom Holkenborg aka Junkie XL has also composed music for, 'deadpool'  '300: rise of the empire'  'The amazing Spiderman 2' These are just some of the big films that he has composed music for, Of course anyone that follows his work would be intrigued to watch this one. Moreover, there were many rumors regarding how loud this film was which perhaps also drawed some people to watch the film. 

editor- Margaret sixel, before mad max, was the editor for, 'happy feet'  'babe: pig in the city'  'mary (documentary)' Mad Max was her biggest film job, and someone that is unknown editing a film which had great expectations would have pulled in a lot of people to see how well she did. Perhaps if it was a more well known editor then people would assume they did a good job but this was her, 'big break' 

production design- colin gibson was the production designer for, 'careless love' and TV series including, 'love my way'  'dangerous.' Colin Gibson much like margaret Sixel is someone that hasnt had much recognizable work, and for a film that was all about how good the sets looked, vast amount of people would watch this film just to see the detail. Whilst his name isnt the most sell-able thing it seems that his work and creativity was. 


Tom Hardy, has worked on films such as, ' The Dark Night Rises'  'legend'  'inception.' Casting Tom Hardy was a major selling point to various audiences, the very fact that this was the first time that Mel Gibson wasnt casted to play Max, so the audience that have followed the series would be intrigued to see how well Tom Hardy performed. Also followers of Tom hardys work and the big movies that he has starred in, would lead another audience to watch the film.   

Charlize Theron, has worked on films including, 'a million ways to die in the west'  'prometheus' 'hancock.' Charlize  is someone that has worked on many big films and her name is certainly a sell-able factor. Around the time of Mad Max she hadn't done much work, so a return to the big screen would have really sold some tickets. 

Nicholas Hoult, previous to mad max he was worked on films like, 'kidulthood'  'X-men: days of future past'  'skins' (TV series) Nicholas Hoult perhaps would have brought a more specific audience to the film. His more recognizable work eg skins and kidulthood, of course are more English based which would have brought that type of audience. In some ways he was able to bring some diversity to this film. 


Warner Bros are in one of the top 6 biggest production companies in Hollywood. The companies where found in 1923, which means its old companies which means that they have had a lot of experience and are a well know business . It is a company that fund, produce and distribute movie are are USA California based company. These are the most successful film that Warner Bros produced, as there all have earner over $1 billion in the box office, these movie have the same element that mad max has that there were sequel and books/comics made before this movie came out, as this help with the success of the movie, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 have been seen as the most success to warner bros.
Another production companies is Kennedy Miller Production which help make Mad Max : Fury Road , It was found by Byron Kennedy and George Miller ( the director for this movie) in 1978 as a company that helped out with motion picture, television and video games. some of the scuffle film that it has produced is Happy feet, Mad Max (1979) and Babe film.
Another company that also helped out with Fury Road is Village Roadshow Picture which was found my Bruce Bremen in 1997, it is owned by warner bros, some of the most successful film that they have produced is The Matrix , Charlie of the Chocolate factory and The American Sniper.


All of these location are seen to not used in many movie which could be labeled as unique location, because there are location that you would not see in movie,and also very hard to film in because there are in the hot desert. This element in the oscar where one as this was the production design sector which Mad Mad Fury road won, and 5 other awards there won. The three countries that where user for Mad Max: Fury Road was Australia, south Africa and Namibia.


The budget for the film was $150 million was is a lot of movie for a hollywood movie. where i think were most of the budget was spend on was the props for the movie this is becuase the cars that were used in the movie were one of a kind and were specilay made of the movie as there, becuase the car was hand crafted, the car in the movie make the movie feel more alive as the cars also represented the old movie. Most of the budget i belevie where spent on the props for the movie. I also think that the lead actor was included into most of the budget because the main actors has been in movie that have been successful from the same producer and distributed for this film and Tom Hardy was in Dark Knight Rise which was made by Warner bros which is seen also one of the most successful film from warner bros and has became well populated  which would have made him wanted for other movie and the budget for him could have been seen as high.


These are all of the location of where the movie have been distributed in, there have also be distributed in asian which is see to at first glance as weird, but so after understanding because the film is set in a desert location which would be see as the middle east of some dropped country, as lots of the asian counties have been thought english in school. You can see this in the statistics that more people speak english in India then America and Canada put together , which means that these counties are developed and understand the idea of films, It also could be distributed there ask the movie could be dubb to the specific language  of the countries so there could understand it such as South Korea. What this also does is allows director to analysis weather there countries beside, US, UK and Australia that are interested in the movie and to see what aspect there enjoy in the movie.

Advertising Placement and Effectiveness: Mad Max Fury Road

Analysis of trailer. 

This comment seemed to really like the trailer as a whole, they expressed their excitement of the trailer, which would translate into Warner Bros doing a very good job in finding a balance in the amount of action and plot into a trailer. They did seem to pick up on one convention of the action genre as he commented on the weaponry. Whilst he criticized the the trailer for illustrating to many guns, he did provide some supporting ideas and stuck with similar themes with homemade weapons. 

This comment really seemed to enjoy the trailer, they liked the quick pace editing which meant that so much was happening, but still they enjoyed this factor. They didnt seem to find it difficult to keep up or be confused as the tempo of the trailer was very fast, instead they was able to enjoy all of the action in such a short space of time. Perhaps the very fact that George miller seemed to have a lot of freedom meant that the trailer could feayture some iconic scenes from the film but still posses the voiceover by max which is something not in the film itself.  

This persons comment seemed to be disengaged with the plot, the trailer does heavily feature the car chase scenes and whilst most action happens on the road, this person did pick up on the trailer perhaps revealing to much. Whilst the trailer can be watched and an audience can be excited overall by the action, looking closer the trailer does at times possess a lot of the main scenes from the film.

Similarly to the last comment this person also picked up on the plot line, as the trailer does feature scenes that were big parts of the film anyway. Perhaps if a films plot is basic then the trailer needs to feature the more subtle things with some key shots from the big scenes. In this instance this comment has showed that the trailer was very good but can see from the trailer that the film could be very basic.  

This person picked up on something different, The trailer was able to portray its high production value well and connote to the audience how much detail they put into the film, which has come across in the trailer as well. This comment was more tentative as a big budget may take over and the real crux of the film is not illustrated well. 

This comment really picked up on the casting of Mad max as Tom hardy, which of course this is the first Mad Max with out Mel Gibson. Of course this trailer does want to show Tom Hardy as often as possible as he is the new face of Max, It seems that perhaps the trailer illustrated Tom Hardy in the wrong way at times, as previously Max is 'CRAZY' but this person seems to think that Hardy is to restrained which wont make for a good film in the series. 

More conventions of the action genre, this comment really showed how Fury road is completely different tot he first but perhaps the fact that the trailer was all action allowed for the audience to really see it as a new movie rather then adding to the series. The trailer seemed to carry so much action that actually the audience was able to be more excited by this fresh take on the series rather then be anxious that it wont fit in any of the series. 

In contrast to the previous comment, this person seem to be the opposite, as they did think the previous films were better and this new one will spoil everything. The trailer seems a big source of controversy, some of the audience seem to love the fast paced tone, and the all action trailer leading to the film. But some of the audience seem more cautious that the trailer has revealed to much and actually this film has the potential to be nothing alike the series. 

This person was in awe of the trailer, they didn't comment on anything negative with the film. For this person the trailer was everything it needed to be, it was fast loud and action packed, which carried some really positive potential for the whole film to be just as good as its trailer. 

Similarly this comment also was really positive about the trailer and the potential for the film. They seemed to really find excitement in the trailer showing its detail and money whilst still portraying the films simplicity and raw action. 

This persons comment added another layer to the trailer. The voice over from Max accompanied with the pace whilst still illustrating the detail in the war boys as well as all of the flames and fighting allowed for a more thriller tone rather then all out action. The conventions seem to have been portrayed well as a second layer of mystery has been added to the trailer creating more excitement for the film.  

Upon watching the trailer, this person clearly felt that there would be too many special effects and that would over power the film, of course the film was not heavy in CGI. It seems that the trailer perhaps conveyed too much action at times, and maybe adding in more emotion may have improved it to become a more balanced trailer as opposed to to heavy on the action. 

I thought that this person seemed to really enjoy the trailer, whilst they didn't say anything negative or any specific positives. They did show hoe the trailer did have some plaudits and supporters. 

This person also enjoyed the trailer, they seemed to pick up the cars, convention of the trailer. Of course the cars are heavily used in the trailer through the fight scenes among other scenes, the detail though came from the restoration of the old cars into these weird, exciting, creative machines. 

This comment criticized Tom Hardy as according to this opinion they thought the trailer portrayed Max with little sense in what he is doing and perhaps a little to sane. Perhaps it would have been better to add in some shots of max looking his most insane which would really illustrate the character well especially when there is a casting change. 

This person also picked up on the casting change. They was interested to how well tom Hardy will portray Mad Max, of course the trailer made him the focus, as many of the shots with him in them he was in as much light as possible to put that emphasis on Tom Hardy. 

This comment seemed to really enjoy the trailer. There definatly seems to be a divide in opinion for this trailer. Some seem to love it and love this fresh take, but some seem to hate the trailer and hate the fact that Tom Hardy doesnt look insane enough. Perhaps though through the controversy of the trailer it brought the whole audience that followed the series and a new audience together to watch the film. 

Analysis of Poster. 

Sunday 24 April 2016

Competition & Competitor analysis: Mad Max:fury road

Worldwide Box office: $7,464,765
Storyline: Relationship
Date: May 15th 2015
Ill see you in my dreams was less successful this Mad Max:fury road this is because the movie did not contains any true sellable elements then Mad Max. The actor in the movie ill see you in my Dreams did not have any hollywood actors in that would have helped with to promote the movie.The movie sellable element that was described by an audience review was the simplistic storyline and relating back to the viewer of the topic of relationship and state of mind as Mad Mad was a simple fictional story line with the budget it allow them to build an intreating story with the props and production , as in Ill see you again the budget was seem to be low and not presented  which is not see a lot in the film production as minimal things could have been done with it. Out of these three film this movie has the highest imdb rating of 6.7 which was still far from Mad Max. As this could be because Mad Max id a action movie and ill see you in my dream as a drama movie which less of the audience is interested about.

Worldwide Box office: $1,166,052
Storyline: Life Changing
Date: May 15th 2015

Where hope grows has been less successful them Mad max fury road in the box office, as it has only just made over $1 million. The budget for this movie was very low of $52,000 which is not a lot to work with in the movie industry as Mad Max set  $150 million on the movie which help the movie do good. The storyline for this movie has been reviewed by the audience as being a life changing movie to some, as this is why it could have done well as a independent movie. The actors in the movie are seen seen to be popular in the film industry but are acted in the TV industry and may not have much experience in the film industry.This movie could have been over shone by other hollywood movie that came out on the same day, like pitch perfect 2 and Mad Mad :Fury Road. The Imdb rating for this was 6.5 which seen for an independent movie as being good rating but was not shown the same as Mad Max was 8.1 which defined it as a success.
Worldwide Box office: $286,995,378
Budget: $29,000,000
Storyline: Relatable
Date: May 15th 2015
Sellable elements: Anna Kendrick,  Rebel Wilson,  Hailee Steinfeld  |

Pitch Perfect 2 was released on the same day of when Mad Max:Fury road was released which was May 5th 2015.

 The elements in Pitch Perfect two that sold the film to the audience would be section , like the casting in the movie which where well know to the public.
also another element that was sell able what this was Pitch Perfect 2 which meant that they was a first one that help per gain the audience that they was a second  one coming out. Pitch Perfect two budgets was much lower them Fury Road, as the budget was $29 million which was $121 million less them Mad Max Fury Road. Mad Mad:Fury road was less successful then Pitch Perfect 2. Dispite Mad Max fury road earning more money in the box office .  Another reason why this could have been more successful is the actor/actress in the movie as they are seen to the youth as role models such as Anna Kendrick and Amy, and the storyline could relate to them because it is about school and singing.The imdb rating for these film were simlar and in there 6.5 area these film where nat as good as Mad Max fury road that has the iMDB rating of 8.1 which is in to the public in the top 250 best movies ever made.

Product Market Research: Mad Max: Fury Road

Worldwide Box office: $879,620,923
Budget: $245 million
Storyline: Boring
Date: November 6th 2015
Sellable elements:Daniel Craig and Sequels

Specter is more successful them Mad Max: Fury Road this is because specter is from the franchise of James Bond which has high expectation of being successful, it is also because Daniel Craig has played the last 3 James bond movie which has gained him a higher recognition then Tom hardy which has lead to Mad Max:fury road not make as much money. This could also been more successful due to how much of more budget there had for Specter which was $245 million which allowed them to spread more money on the movie to improve the film and attract more over the audience into it as this was $95 million more then Mad Max Fury Road.
The story line was labeled as a simplistic story , this is seen in the previous James bond movie which are seen to have simple story lines this could have been as a selling point also mad max. Spector was not seen as a great movie which was labeled at 6.9 as not close to Mad Max as 8.1, it may have been suffuse in the box office but in the oscar and rating Mad Max won 6 oscar which to the critics is a better movie this spectre.

Worldwide Box office: $700,868,363
Budget: $150 million
Storylin: Must See
Date: July 31st 2015
Sellable elements: Tom Cruise and sequels

Mission: Impossible- Rogue Nation was  more successful then Mad Max:Fury Road, wed can see by the box office figure that Mission impossible made over $700 million and Mad Max: Fury Road made over $370 million. 
Why mission : impossible was more successful is the casting of the film, as Tom cruise was the main actor in the film and has been well know for years, but in Mad Max: fury road tom  hardy has recently came into the Hollywood which makes him less know then Tom cruise.
Mission: Impossible is seen to have a confusing story line and is quoted by by audience reviews that it is "hard to understand", but the successful has been backed up by the previous movies that have been released that has started Tom cruise. 7.5 for mission impossible was the closest to mad max in the rating but still mad more money then Mad Max which is labeled as more successful in the box office figures.

Worldwide Box office: $1,670,328,025
Budget: $150 million
Storyline:Nostalgic feel
Date: June 12th 2015
Sellable elements: Sequel
Jurassic world was more successful then Mad Max: Fury Road . How Jurassic world draws in the audience is there the previous film that they have produced which was seen as very successful which would have lead the audience to watch the new Jurassic film.  The budget for Jurassic world was £150 million, which was the same as Mad Max: Fury Road Budget. But Jurassic world made more money then Fury road The story line of Jurassic park was quoted as understandable and reminded the audience about the scene of the previous movie. Mad Max:Fury Road was less successful them Jurassic World, because it mad less money in the box office. Mad Max:Fury Road made around £160.5 million and Jurassic world made around £1.1 billion which made way more money then Mad Max:Fury Road. The Imdb rating for this movie was 7.1 which was lower this Mad Max rating of 8.1 which meant that it was liked more but jurassic world is know for there previous movie and Mad max not so much.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

My audience Profile

Sunday 10 April 2016

Qualitative Research Focus Group : Mad Max Fury Road

What Was Your General Opinion Of The Film? what would you rate it ?

The results showed everyone in agreement, they all liked the film and felt it was very good. They also highly rated the film out of 10 giving figures such as; 7, 8, 9, indicating that this was one of the best films in recent times for our focus group.
The success of this film seemed to come from the overwhelming amount of action, whilst the group did also pick up on the lack of dialogue and plot line, they could still thoroughly enjoy the film in a chilled, relaxed way. Perhaps they could enjoy the film so much because they didnt have to think about it, George Millers simplicity has meant that the focus group can escape in to the film. 

What was your expectations of the film after watching the trailer?

The focus group very much liked the trailer, it was fast paced and whilst it portrayed a lot of action they thought that it didn't give too much of the actual film away. They were also in agreement with the fact that they would want to watch the film after seeing the trailer. It made them excited and enticed them which is the main aim of a trailer.
The results seem to follow on from the last question, everyone was very excited by the trailer and agreed with each other as they wanted to watch the film again. Trailers are a vital piece of marketing for the film and it seems that Warner Bros. have been able to produce something that instantly hooks its audience. Trailers in the modern day seem to either lack characters and plot or give too much away, but the focus group have been able to illustrate that this Mad Max trailer did neither which makes for a very good one. The trailer was very fast paced and whilst it did show some key scenes the cutting of the trailer made it focus all on max rather then the plot itself perhaps that was why it was so engrossing because the pace detracted away from the story and focused on the main character. 

Were you able to connect with the characters, even though there was a lack of dialogue from main characters?

The focus group exercised a displeasure in Max as he is the main character yet it didn't feel like he was. The group were unimpressed with his lack of dialogue as he grunted for most of the film, they expected more from him in order to really emotionally connect with him. Although there was some divided opinion within the group as some thought they could still clearly see his purpose and Fury road did follow his character from the previous films in the series. This allowed them to still connect and follow the character but could still share a disappointment with him.
Of course there was a lack of dialogue from Max, to which the group seemed to be split, yes they couldn't fully connect with him, but perhaps that enabled other characters such as Furiosa to have a big role in the film and take over as the heroin, to surprise many that watched the film. It seems that George Miller intended to give Max less lines as in the previous films he had lots to say which at times the audience felt was irrelevant. It seems though George Miller was not able to find the right balance, thus being the biggest downfall to the film for the group.

After looking at a review, did you agree with the critics review? Concerning the lack of plot line.

The focus group was able to give the two different opinions, yes they did think it was basic and that the action overpowered the little story. However some thought that because there was little plot it complemented the action and could enjoy a film that was easy to follow rather then really focus on small things to make up a full story.
From the results we can conclude much like the dialogue problem, the group do feel that the plot was simple, but that perhaps was fresh and felt very different in comparison to recent films, that contain such an intricate and large plot that they are hard to understand. Perhaps its why the film did so well and why it is highly rated because like the group said it was easy and could just relax while watching. Of course the film was effectively a car chase to and from the 'Citidal' Which is why the group expressed an annoyance, but this is also the very point that made the group like the film so much, the groups enjoyment stemmed from the simplicity of the film. 

After watching the 'best scene' in the film, did you think it was or was there scenes better? 

The focus group thought that whilst the scene was good and iconic, it did bring the whole story together. However there was a split opinion as some thought the scene in the sandstorm was better due to its visuals and some thought that just the opening car chase was also very good to see the size of immortan joes army and the power that he possessed.
The divided opinion certainly is good for the film, to see its audience like so many different scenes from the film but yet equally all find that each others opinion was just as good means a wide success. The group discussed scenes from beginning to end which is something extremely pleasing, as it means that the constant action carried the audience all the way through. They didnt loose their audience half way, instead they was constantly entertained which called for a good film. The sandstorm scene was very iconic in the film, whilst it was a short scene in comparison it was perhaps visually the best. The mix of long shots to show the scale of the storm with the vehicles, which was mixed with the intensifying close ups of action is why the focus group expressed this scene.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Quantitative Survey Research: Mad Max:Fury Road

Question 1

What this results tell us about the audiance is that the majorities of them have knowledge about the Mad Max series. Why this is know for is becuase they have been Mad Max series in the past that the audience may have seen. It also could be becuase Mad Max was nominated in the Oscar many time even for best pictures which would have watched the eyes of the audience. What this tell me is that the series of a movie does effect the popularity of the movie.

Question 2

These result tell us that the audience rate actions/sci-fi as good movie because most of the is seen to be 6 and up. 7 is seen to be the most popular. Why I got these results is becuase the audience action/Sci-fi is one of the biggest genre in the film indusrt. This is because the biggest movie that have been released are seen to be Action/sci-fi such as avatar, avenger and transforms which are populated. The audience see to be more interested in this genre because of the ecitment you get out of the movie.

Question 3

This question is seen to have a clear result because film edit is rated over 50%. This was one of the aspect that Mad Mad :Fury Road one an Oscar for which means that it was one of the best elements in the  movie. Why the audience may have chosen this is becuase it is an elements that can change the movie preference. As all of the other elements are defined from film edit , such as the the costume design is presented through the edit of the film.

Question 4

The response to this question is seen to relate to the Mad Mad film pace of the movie. Why we seen most of the responses of fast pace is becuase the audience what to watch a good movie with a short amount of time because a fast pace movie keep the audience engaged due to the cuts instead of dragging on and becoming boating and losing the audience attention. The audience want to see the audience narrative and the climax as quick as possible. The audience knows that the best scene at the end . We do see this in Mad Max:Fury road as being a fast paced story line and leads the audience to the ending quick.

Question 5

The result for this question is straight forward because the audience seen that action/Sic-fi should also always include fighting which is responded at over 50%. Why the audience may see fighting as a must in a action/sci-fi movie is becuase this allows the audience to feel pumped and energetic about the film. This is also to create a heroic feeling about the protagonist and the antagonist .what this also create this the action part of the movie as it starts to beocme quick paces. We also see that explosions votes are not that far behide why the audience may see this as a must is becuase more and more action/sci-fi movies are using this to entertain and shock the audience.

Question 6

The audience attitude to this question is revealed because there see that trailer help them to interest them to watch the film. We see that of 50% of the audience gain interest form trailer. Why this is becuase is that visual are seen to attract the audience. We see Mad Max:fury road as a visual movie which means as a realistic movie which gave them an advantage to market the movie through a trailers. Why this also could be is that the audience believe the movie is real when an official trabecuase  realised reater then social media.

Question 7

The audiences have voted for favour actor/actress in this question which is seen to be Tom Hardy. Why the audience may see him as the most favourite actor is becuase of the movies that they have seen him act in the past which have been seen as a success due to his performance in the  movies, some of the biggest movie that he has been seen in and effected is Dark knight raises, The Legend and The Reverent. Is also could be from the Character that he has played in the past that could have made him favourite such as he has played Bane, Ronald Kray/Reginald Kray and John Fitzgerald are all seen as unqie and different from other. 

Question 8

This question is seen to be the most interesting in the response of the movie choice. We can see that most of these have mixed results such as terminator was preferred 9 times of Mad Max fury road which told us that terminator is seen to be a more successful movie. For star Trek it was seem interesting because it was voted 40%  that the audience haven't seen the movie. The Martian and fury road were seen to have equal preference because the audience liked both of the movie. Mad Max fury road were preferred over aliens this could be becuase aliens is a older movie that this generation may not have seen. Half of the audience preferred the matrix and half of them like both this could be becuase of the popularity of there series of movies.

Question 9

The response to this question told us that 95% of the audience see CGI as some what important to a movie. What this tell us is that the next generation of movies are are become produces on purely CGI effects which is see to be safer to do. But Mad Max:fury road was mostly practical effects there was very little CGI involved in the movie. This could also tell us that the audience think that the effects in the Mad Max:Fury Road were so dangerous that they were done in a CGI format. The audience now don't really know that is seen to be real in the film in the film industry via these effect.

Question 10

We have found out that most of our audience do experience the a movie in a theatre environment. We can see that most of our audience go to the cinema 1-2 times a month. Why this could be becuase most people have responsibility to take care of such as jobs, school and family which means that they may not have time to watch a movie that is 2-3 hours long in a set time becuase of the commitment that they have. It also could be becuase the audience may have different outlet to watch the movie such as Netflix, sky box office or Blueray.