Sunday 24 April 2016

Product Market Research: Mad Max: Fury Road

Worldwide Box office: $879,620,923
Budget: $245 million
Storyline: Boring
Date: November 6th 2015
Sellable elements:Daniel Craig and Sequels

Specter is more successful them Mad Max: Fury Road this is because specter is from the franchise of James Bond which has high expectation of being successful, it is also because Daniel Craig has played the last 3 James bond movie which has gained him a higher recognition then Tom hardy which has lead to Mad Max:fury road not make as much money. This could also been more successful due to how much of more budget there had for Specter which was $245 million which allowed them to spread more money on the movie to improve the film and attract more over the audience into it as this was $95 million more then Mad Max Fury Road.
The story line was labeled as a simplistic story , this is seen in the previous James bond movie which are seen to have simple story lines this could have been as a selling point also mad max. Spector was not seen as a great movie which was labeled at 6.9 as not close to Mad Max as 8.1, it may have been suffuse in the box office but in the oscar and rating Mad Max won 6 oscar which to the critics is a better movie this spectre.

Worldwide Box office: $700,868,363
Budget: $150 million
Storylin: Must See
Date: July 31st 2015
Sellable elements: Tom Cruise and sequels

Mission: Impossible- Rogue Nation was  more successful then Mad Max:Fury Road, wed can see by the box office figure that Mission impossible made over $700 million and Mad Max: Fury Road made over $370 million. 
Why mission : impossible was more successful is the casting of the film, as Tom cruise was the main actor in the film and has been well know for years, but in Mad Max: fury road tom  hardy has recently came into the Hollywood which makes him less know then Tom cruise.
Mission: Impossible is seen to have a confusing story line and is quoted by by audience reviews that it is "hard to understand", but the successful has been backed up by the previous movies that have been released that has started Tom cruise. 7.5 for mission impossible was the closest to mad max in the rating but still mad more money then Mad Max which is labeled as more successful in the box office figures.

Worldwide Box office: $1,670,328,025
Budget: $150 million
Storyline:Nostalgic feel
Date: June 12th 2015
Sellable elements: Sequel
Jurassic world was more successful then Mad Max: Fury Road . How Jurassic world draws in the audience is there the previous film that they have produced which was seen as very successful which would have lead the audience to watch the new Jurassic film.  The budget for Jurassic world was £150 million, which was the same as Mad Max: Fury Road Budget. But Jurassic world made more money then Fury road The story line of Jurassic park was quoted as understandable and reminded the audience about the scene of the previous movie. Mad Max:Fury Road was less successful them Jurassic World, because it mad less money in the box office. Mad Max:Fury Road made around £160.5 million and Jurassic world made around £1.1 billion which made way more money then Mad Max:Fury Road. The Imdb rating for this movie was 7.1 which was lower this Mad Max rating of 8.1 which meant that it was liked more but jurassic world is know for there previous movie and Mad max not so much.

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