Monday 25 April 2016


Plot Summary:

Whilst the plot was simple as a whole, it did have subtle details which complemented the raw action. Setting the film in a post-apocalyptic world is probably the first major selling point, as many people do get excited when zombies or other forms of a human are involved. Perhaps as the plot follows the route of empowering women and allowing them to break free as a possession was one of the biggest selling points. The majority of an audience will always be able to connect with women and side with them as they are filled with courage and internal strength. 

sound mix- The control of audio volumes and tones and manipulation of them from the microphones to obtain the desired pitch and tone of the dialogue or music. 
negative format- Is a set of standard characteristics including, image capture, size, shape & audio parameters. 
cinematographic process- the process of film capture, and the cameras visuals as well as any special effects. 

This was George Millers biggest budget for a film, so the quality of equipment was only the best, he would have need a lot of it as well considering all of the different shots during the action car chase scenes. It does show through the film when watching the film its easy to see that they spent a lot of money on the film to make each shot perfect, and when you have an action packed film which is very fast, the shots have to be really smooth which is shown. It is a major selling point, better equipment ussually allows people to do more with their idea, and with high expectations for this film, its easy to see that it delievered on the equpiment front.  


Director-  George Miller, whilst George Miller has directed and wrote the entire Mad Max series he has also directed, 'happy feet 1 & 2' also 'babe: pig in the city'
Writer- George Miller
George Miller of course is most known for the whole creation of the Mad Max series and the idea, which may be the main selling point to this film. As people want to see he series continue and want to see how well this film could do considering this was George Millers biggest budget.

cinematographer- john seale has been the cinematographer for these films as well as Mad max: 'the tourist'  'Prince of persia'  'the talented Mr Ripley' these films were very popular and john has done other films. Of course the majority of the audience wouldn't pay attention to the cinematographer of a film but for the more 'geeky' people that have a lot of interest in to the industry they would know who john seale was and go watch the film.

music composer- Tom Holkenborg aka Junkie XL has also composed music for, 'deadpool'  '300: rise of the empire'  'The amazing Spiderman 2' These are just some of the big films that he has composed music for, Of course anyone that follows his work would be intrigued to watch this one. Moreover, there were many rumors regarding how loud this film was which perhaps also drawed some people to watch the film. 

editor- Margaret sixel, before mad max, was the editor for, 'happy feet'  'babe: pig in the city'  'mary (documentary)' Mad Max was her biggest film job, and someone that is unknown editing a film which had great expectations would have pulled in a lot of people to see how well she did. Perhaps if it was a more well known editor then people would assume they did a good job but this was her, 'big break' 

production design- colin gibson was the production designer for, 'careless love' and TV series including, 'love my way'  'dangerous.' Colin Gibson much like margaret Sixel is someone that hasnt had much recognizable work, and for a film that was all about how good the sets looked, vast amount of people would watch this film just to see the detail. Whilst his name isnt the most sell-able thing it seems that his work and creativity was. 


Tom Hardy, has worked on films such as, ' The Dark Night Rises'  'legend'  'inception.' Casting Tom Hardy was a major selling point to various audiences, the very fact that this was the first time that Mel Gibson wasnt casted to play Max, so the audience that have followed the series would be intrigued to see how well Tom Hardy performed. Also followers of Tom hardys work and the big movies that he has starred in, would lead another audience to watch the film.   

Charlize Theron, has worked on films including, 'a million ways to die in the west'  'prometheus' 'hancock.' Charlize  is someone that has worked on many big films and her name is certainly a sell-able factor. Around the time of Mad Max she hadn't done much work, so a return to the big screen would have really sold some tickets. 

Nicholas Hoult, previous to mad max he was worked on films like, 'kidulthood'  'X-men: days of future past'  'skins' (TV series) Nicholas Hoult perhaps would have brought a more specific audience to the film. His more recognizable work eg skins and kidulthood, of course are more English based which would have brought that type of audience. In some ways he was able to bring some diversity to this film. 


Warner Bros are in one of the top 6 biggest production companies in Hollywood. The companies where found in 1923, which means its old companies which means that they have had a lot of experience and are a well know business . It is a company that fund, produce and distribute movie are are USA California based company. These are the most successful film that Warner Bros produced, as there all have earner over $1 billion in the box office, these movie have the same element that mad max has that there were sequel and books/comics made before this movie came out, as this help with the success of the movie, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 have been seen as the most success to warner bros.
Another production companies is Kennedy Miller Production which help make Mad Max : Fury Road , It was found by Byron Kennedy and George Miller ( the director for this movie) in 1978 as a company that helped out with motion picture, television and video games. some of the scuffle film that it has produced is Happy feet, Mad Max (1979) and Babe film.
Another company that also helped out with Fury Road is Village Roadshow Picture which was found my Bruce Bremen in 1997, it is owned by warner bros, some of the most successful film that they have produced is The Matrix , Charlie of the Chocolate factory and The American Sniper.


All of these location are seen to not used in many movie which could be labeled as unique location, because there are location that you would not see in movie,and also very hard to film in because there are in the hot desert. This element in the oscar where one as this was the production design sector which Mad Mad Fury road won, and 5 other awards there won. The three countries that where user for Mad Max: Fury Road was Australia, south Africa and Namibia.


The budget for the film was $150 million was is a lot of movie for a hollywood movie. where i think were most of the budget was spend on was the props for the movie this is becuase the cars that were used in the movie were one of a kind and were specilay made of the movie as there, becuase the car was hand crafted, the car in the movie make the movie feel more alive as the cars also represented the old movie. Most of the budget i belevie where spent on the props for the movie. I also think that the lead actor was included into most of the budget because the main actors has been in movie that have been successful from the same producer and distributed for this film and Tom Hardy was in Dark Knight Rise which was made by Warner bros which is seen also one of the most successful film from warner bros and has became well populated  which would have made him wanted for other movie and the budget for him could have been seen as high.


These are all of the location of where the movie have been distributed in, there have also be distributed in asian which is see to at first glance as weird, but so after understanding because the film is set in a desert location which would be see as the middle east of some dropped country, as lots of the asian counties have been thought english in school. You can see this in the statistics that more people speak english in India then America and Canada put together , which means that these counties are developed and understand the idea of films, It also could be distributed there ask the movie could be dubb to the specific language  of the countries so there could understand it such as South Korea. What this also does is allows director to analysis weather there countries beside, US, UK and Australia that are interested in the movie and to see what aspect there enjoy in the movie.

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